Saturday, October 30, 2021

Rainbow Bridge to the Rescue..Again!


Rainbow Bridge to the Rescue…AGAIN!

In this life, we will all have just a few very good friends, that in a pinch, we could count on and that in itself may be why some wise old sage labeled the dog as man’s best friend. Or, if my readers have a sense of humor, it can be stated like this: Lock your dog and your wife in the trunk of your car and see which one is happiest to see you a couple of hours later? Dog and man, like hand and glove, have had an amazing relationship since the beginning of time.

And to some people, that four legged critter might just be a dog, but to a vast majority of us it runs much deeper than that. In my seventy-plus years, I’ve loved more dogs than I can count, but while I can’t be absolutely be sure of the number, I am absolutely sure I received more love than I gave. Ours have mostly been strays that found us out in the boonies here on Grand Lake, rather than us scrolling through the American Kennel Association ads for some high falutin’ dog as my dad would have said. And they have all been special in their very own way.

After losing one of my very special dogs, I had named her “Rat Faced Ruby” due to her long snout, I wrote a column about finding her after she had a terminal run in with some of the neighborhood coons. It was as though we had lost a family member and the loss of Ruby was tear-jerking experience for this 6’4”, 250 plus pound guy. One of our readers read my account of Ruby’s downfall with the coons and sent me a copy of the poem Rainbow Bridge. It brought a smile to my face and eased the pain and reminded me of all the good times we had enjoyed. It goes like this:

Rainbow Bridge

There is a bridge connecting heaven and earth
It is called Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors

Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows,
hills, valleys with lush green grass

When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this special place
There is always food and water and warm spring weather

The old and frail are young again
Those who are maimed are made whole again

They play all day with each other
There is only one thing missing

They are not with their special person who loved them on Earth
So each day they run and play until the day comes
when one suddenly stops playing and looks up !

The nose twitches !
The ears are up !
The eyes are staring !
And this one suddenly runs from the group !

You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet,
you take him or her into your arms and embrace
your face is kissed again and again,
and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet

Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated

Recently I had the chance to return the favor, as an old friend lost her beloved Taco to complications of old age. While the pain of finding one’s faithful companion drowned by coons was certainly painful, it has to pale in comparison to that final trip to the vet when that unavoidable decision has been made.

Yes, there was Rat Faced Ruby, Tuxedo, Smokie, Bitsy, Daisy, Homer, Honey and several more before the current sitting King Canine of choice, Radar, who came to us as a rescue dog. Before that Pistol Pete ruled our place. Pete’s had been through three back surgeries. My republican friends always ask, “So just how much have you spent on just a dog?” To which I reply, “Don’t figure it’s any of your damned business.”

There’s just something very special and unique about a rescue dog…..Maybe they just appreciate a second chance for a better life.

See Ya’ Around the Pond!!

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